Let there be a currency, which we shall refer to as nulla (∅). One accrues nulla by abstaining from the use of any medium of exchange, i.e. not paying or receiving payment for goods and services.
The opposite of Nulla (∅) is any form of currency used to express economic value. Its nominal value is always an absolute, positive number which constitutes all payments made or received within a specified time frame.
When the aggregated difference in the balance over time is zero, meaning no transactions have occurred on an account, it is equivalent to 1 nulla.
0 x∅ = 1 ∅
One can only own one nulla at a time, but there can be multiple nulldays, nullmonths, etc.
∅ = 1
One can purchase resources that enable the production of more nulla in the future, resulting in the existence of concepts like nullfoods, nullmaterials, nullservices etc.
∅ ⇌ x∅
Demand and offer for products or/and sets of products with a promised nulla potential constitues a nullmarket.