What is nulla?

Nulla is an imaginary currency which serves to illuminate economic activities that lies outside the modern market economy. With this reentry of excluded, new world opens for exploration.


Let there be a currency, which we shall refer to as nulla (∅). One accrues nulla by abstaining from the use of any medium of exchange, i.e. not paying or receiving payment for goods and services.

The opposite of Nulla (∅) is any form of currency used to express economic value. Its nominal value is always an absolute, positive number which constitutes all payments made or received within a specified time frame.

When the aggregated difference in the balance over time is zero, meaning no transactions have occurred on an account, it is equivalent to 1 nulla.

One can only own one nulla at a time, but there can be multiple nulldays, nullmonths, etc.

One can purchase resources that enable the production of more nulla in the future, resulting in the existence of concepts like nullfoods, nullmaterials, nullservices etc.

Demand and offer for products or/and sets of products with a promised nulla potential constitues a nullmarket.


Is nulla a cryptocurrency?

No. Nulla is not a cryptocurrency and doesn’t aim to solve problems within the traditional monetary system using distributed database technology. Instead, it explores an alternate reality beyond both the monetary and digital realms.

Is nulla an NFT?

No. It is the opposite - it is absolutely fungible, like a word spoken to the wind. It serves as a medium of communication, conveying a generalized meaning, and is symbolic in essence. It attempts to reflect certain realities, but it does not attempt to be one itself.

Is nulla good?

No, and yes. Like any form of currency, nulla does not have an intrinsic moral value. Its sole purpose is to facilitate economic activity outside of the market that cannot be valued.